Publication List
Journal papers
Perna, Gianluca; Trevisan, Martino; Giordano, Danilo; Drago, Idilio, A first look at HTTP/3 adoption and performance, in: COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, 2022
Jha, Nikhil; Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Mellia, Marco; Traverso, Stefano; Garcia-Recuero, Alvaro; Laoutaris, Nikolaos; Mehrjoo, Amir; Azcoitia, Santiago Andres; Rumin, Ruben Cuevas; Katevas, Kleomenis; Papadopoulos, Panagiotis; Kourtellis, Nicolas;, A PIMS Development Kit for New Personal Data Platforms, in: IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING, 2022
Perna, Gianluca; Markudova, Dena; Trevisan, Martino; Garza, Paolo; Meo, Michela; Munafo, Maurizio; Carofiglio, Giovanna, Real-Time Classification of Real-Time Communications, in: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT, 2022
Perna, Gianluca; Markudova, Dena; Trevisan, Martino; Garza, Paolo; Meo, Michela; Munafò, Maurizio, Retina: An open-source tool for flexible analysis of RTC traffic, in: COMPUTER NETWORKS, 2022
Jha, Nikhil; Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Mellia, Marco, The Internet with Privacy Policies: Measuring The Web Upon Consent, in: ACM TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB, 2022
Di Domenico, Andrea; Perna, Gianluca; Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Giordano, Danilo, A Network Analysis on Cloud Gaming: Stadia, GeForce Now and PSNow, in: NETWORK, 2021
Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Giordano, Danilo, Debate on online social networks at the time of COVID-19: An Italian case study, in: ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS AND MEDIA, 2021
Lutu, Andra; Trevisan, Martino; Safari Khatouni, Ali; Mandalari, Anna Maria; Custura, Ana; Mellia, Marco; Alay, Ozgu; Bagnulo, Marcelo; Bajpai, Vaibhav; Brunstrom, Anna; Ott, Jorg; Fairhurst, Godred, Measuring Roaming in Europe: Infrastructure and Implications on Users QoE, in: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, 2021
GOMES FERREIRA, CARLOS HENRIQUE; Murai, Fabricio; Silva, Ana Paula Couto.; Almeida, Jussara M.; Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Mellia, Marco; Drago, Idilio, On the dynamics of political discussions on Instagram: A network perspective, in: ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS AND MEDIA, 2021
Morichetta, Andrea; Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Krickl, Julia, Understanding web pornography usage from traffic analysis, in: COMPUTER NETWORKS, 2021
Markudova, Dena; Trevisan, Martino; Garza, Paolo; Meo, Michela; Munafo, Maurizio; Carofiglio, Giovanna, What’s my App?: ML-based classification of RTC applications, in: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REVIEW, 2021
Favale, Thomas; Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, α-MON: Traffic Anonymizer for Passive Monitoring, in: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT, 2021
Favale, Thomas; Soro, Francesca; Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, Campus Traffic and e-Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic, in: COMPUTER NETWORKS, 2020
Trevisan, Martino; Soro, Francesca; Mellia, Marco; Drago, Idilio; Morla, Ricardo, Does domain name encryption increase users’ privacy?, in: COMPUTER COMMUNICATION REVIEW, 2020
Trevisan, Martino; Khatouni, Ali Safari; Giordano, Danilo, ERRANT: Realistic Emulation of Radio Access Networks, in: COMPUTER NETWORKS, 2020
Trevisan, Martino; Giordano, Danilo; Drago, Idilio; Munafo, Maurizio Matteo; Mellia, Marco, Five Years at the Edge: Watching Internet From the ISP Network, in: IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING, 2020
Trevisan, Martino; Traverso, Stefano; Bassi, Eleonora; Mellia, Marco, 4 Years of EU Cookie Law: Results and Lessons Learned, in: PROCEEDINGS ON PRIVACY ENHANCING TECHNOLOGIES, 2019
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, PAIN: A Passive Web Performance Indicator for ISPs, in: COMPUTER NETWORKS, 2019
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio, Robust URL Classification With Generative Adversarial Networks, in: PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REVIEW, 2019
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco; Song, Han Hee; Baldi, Mario, AWESoME: Big Data for Automatic Web Service Management in SDN, in: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT, 2018
Siracusano, Giuseppe; Bifulco, Roberto; Trevisan, Martino; Jacobs, Tobias; Kuenzer, Simon; Salsano, Stefano; Blefari-Melazzi, Nicola; Huici, Felipe, Re-designing Dynamic Content Delivery in the Light of a Virtualized Infrastructure, in: IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, 2017
Trevisan, Martino; Finamore, Alessandro; Mellia, Marco; Munafo', MAURIZIO MATTEO; Rossi, DARIO GIACOMO, Traffic Analysis with Off-the-Shelf Hardware: Challenges and Lessons Learned, in: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 2017
Conference papers
Nistico, Antonio; Markudova, Dena; Trevisan, Martino; Meo, Michela; Carofiglio, Giovanna, A comparative study of RTC applications, in: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2021
Valentim, Rodolfo; Drago, Idilio; Trevisan, Martino; Cerutti, Federico; Mellia, Marco, Augmenting phishing squatting detection with GANs, in: CoNEXT-SW'21: Proceedings of the CoNEXT Student Workshop, 2021
Trevisan, Martino; Giordano, Danilo; Drago, Idilio; Khatouni, Ali Safari, Measuring HTTP/3: Adoption and Performance, in: Proceedings of the 2021 19th Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference (MedComNet), 2021
Perna, Gianluca; Markudova, Dena; Trevisan, Martino; Garza, Paolo; Meo, Michela; Munafò, Maurizio; Carofiglio, Giovanna, Online Classification of RTC Traffic, in: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, 2021
Bertone, Fabio; Vassio, Luca; Trevisan, Martino, The stock exchange of influencers: a financial approach for studying fanbase variation trends, in: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2021
Jha, Nikhil; Favale, Thomas; Vassio, Luca; Trevisan, Martino; Mellia, Marco, z-anonymity: Zero-Delay Anonymization for Data Streams, in: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2021
Safari Khatouni, Ali; Trevisan, Martino; Giordano, Danilo; Rajiullah, Mohammad; Alfredsson, Stefan; Brunstrom, Anna; Midoglu, Cise; Alay, Özgü, An Open Dataset of Operational Mobile Networks, in: MobiWac '20: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless, 2020
Perna, Gianluca; Trevisan, Martino; Giordano, Danilo, Realistic testing of RTC applications under mobile networks, in: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies, 2020
Gomes Ferreira, Carlos Henrique; Murai, Fabricio; Couto da Silva, Ana Paula; de Almeida, Jussara Marques; Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, Unveiling Community Dynamics on Instagram Political Network, in: 12th ACM Conference on Web Science, 2020
Favale, Thomas; Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, α-MON: Anonymized Passive Traffic Monitoring, in: Proceedings of the 2020 32nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 32), 2020
Soro, Francesca; Drago, Idilio; Trevisan, Martino; Mellia, Marco; Ceron, Joao; J. Santanna, Jose, Are Darknets All The Same? On Darknet Visibility for Security Monitoring, in: 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), 2019
Morichetta, Andrea; Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca, Characterizing Web Pornography Consumption from Passive Measurements, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2019
Safari Khatouni, Ali; Trevisan, Martino; Giordano, Danilo, Data-Driven Emulation of Mobile Access Networks, in: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2019
Siracusano, Giuseppe; Trevisan, Martino; Gonzalez, Roberto; Bifulco, Roberto, On the Application of NLP to Discover Relationships between Malicious Network Entities, in: Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 2019
Favale, Thomas; Mellia, Marco; Drago, Idilio; Trevisan, Martino, Privacy-preserving network monitoring at high-speed, in: Privacy-preserving network monitoring at high-speed, 2019
Trevisan, Martino; Vassio, Luca; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco; MURAI FERREIRA, Fabricio; DINIZ DE FIGUEIREDO, FLAVIO VINICIUS; Couto da Silva, Ana Paula; Almeida, Jussara M., Towards Understanding Political Interactions on Instagram, in: Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 2019
Faroughi, Azadeh; Javidan, Reza; Mellia, Marco; Morichetta, Andrea; Soro, Francesca; Trevisan, Martino, Achieving Horizontal Scalability in Density-based Clustering for URLs, in: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2018
Trevisan, Martino; Giordano, Danilo; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco; Munafo, Maurizio, Five Years at the Edge: Watching Internet from the ISP Network, in: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT 2018), 2018
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, Measuring Web Speed From Passive Traces, in: Proceedings of the Applied Networking Research Workshop, 2018
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco; Munafo, Maurizio M., Automatic detection of DNS manipulations, in: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2017
Traverso, Stefano; Trevisan, Martino; Giannantoni, Laura; Mellia, Marco; Metwalley, Hassan, Benchmark and comparison of tracker-blockers: Should you trust them?, in: IEEE/IFIP Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA), 2017
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, PAIN: A Passive Web Speed Indicator for ISPs, in: Proceedings of the 2017 workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks, 2017
Khatouni, Ali Safari; Trevisan, Martino; Regano, Leonardo; Viticchie, Alessio, Privacy issues of ISPs in the modern web, in: Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), 2017 8th IEEE Annual, 2017
Vassio, Luca; Giordano, Danilo; Trevisan, Martino; Mellia, Marco; Couto da Silva, Ana Paula, Users’ Fingerprinting Techniques from TCP Traffic, in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks, 2017
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco, Impact of Access Line Capacity on Adaptive Video Streaming Quality – A Passive Perspective, in: Proceedings of the 2016 Workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks, 2016
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco; Munafo', MAURIZIO MATTEO, Towards web service classification using addresses and DNS, in: Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2016 International, 2016
Trevisan, Martino; Drago, Idilio; Mellia, Marco; H. H., Song; Baldi, Mario, WHAT: A Big Data Approach for Accounting of Modern Web Services, in: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2016